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Project Overview

FITFUSION is an iOS app that enables people looking for a personal trainer to find the perfect match for them, their goals, needs, and desires so that they can build a long-term relationship with their coach.

Time of Project

2 weeks




UX Designer, UI Designer, UX Researcher

Tools Used


Project Length


UX Researcher, UX Designer, UI Designer

10 weeks


For over a decade, I spent time in the fitness industry:


  • I met a lot of great trainers

  • I saw, objectively, bad trainers

  • I saw many quit altogether.

  • I've also heard the horror stories from their ex-clients - a few who ended up becoming my own long-term clients.

This was the catalyst in creating FITFUSION.

With a high turnover rate for personal trainers, unhappy clients, & with the industry still expected to grow at a higher-than-average rate over the next few years, there is a disconnect between what a person seeks out and is paying for and what they receive in return from their trainer.

Problem Statement

To understand the problem a bit more, I did some secondary research

Here's what I found out:

Why does any of that matter?

This matters because based on my assumptions and personal experience in the industry, I will be able to hypothesize the user needs more clearly before I get to user interviews to see if they are validated (or not).

speaking of assumptions.png
Based on experience and secondary research, I made assumptions such as...

The reason why people leave their personal trainer is a lack of "personal" programming specific to the clients goals and needs.

The reason why people leave their personal trainer is because the client didn't do the work that was expected of them.

The reason why people leave their personal trainer is purely financial. The value of training wasn't worth the price the client was paying.

The reason why people leave their personal trainer is inappropriate behaviour be it client-to-trainer or trainer-to-client






I believe one of the reasons why clients are leaving their personal trainer is because of a lack of professionalism and personal touch to their workouts.

My Hypothesis

Interview Insights


Thomas James


Fitness Enthusiast

"...I didn't feel it. It didn't feel like he remembered conversations that we had. He wasn't recalling the fact that I was starting to have a little bit of neck trouble. And it just felt like I was just one of many. It didn't feel personal."


  • Wanting to ramp up his fitness abilities.

  • Wanting to align who he is as a person to the person coaching him.

  • Searching for a reliable trainer without wasting time on the wrong ones.

Pain Points

  • Feels he's just another business stat instead of a human and trainee.

  • Doesn't really have the knowledge to do it on his own.

  • Isn't connecting with the trainer even after trying to communicate his needs.


  • Buy healthier food to support goals.

  • Bought a gym membership

The Vision

Build an app that allows people to find the perfect personal trainer for them based on their desires, needs, goals and provide full transparency of who each trainer is before the user purchases and books a session.


By being able to filter via distance, hourly rate, rating, and gender, users can find someone who fits their immediate needs and concerns and be able to read about their specialties as well as read real reviews from past and current clients so they can get full transparency before committing to a personal trainer and risk a bad experience.


FITFUSION allows users to book sessions and communicate with their personal trainer so that if there is anything that needs to be discussed or expressed, it can be done in one place without any hassle. 

Giving The User The Power


FITFUSION allows users to search for a qualified trainers matching their specific goals locally or remote so they are not pigeonholed into choosing only who is available based on a friend's recommendation or who they see at their local gym.

UX Design.png

Session Review/Confirmation Screen

Home Screen

Personal Trainer Search Screen

Personal Trainer Profile/Booking Screen

Date/Time Picker Screen

Solution Sketches

Starting to flush out ideas for what's to come

Turning sketches into real functionality

Digitized Wireframes

Home Screen

Personal Trainer Search Screen

Distance Filter Modal Screen

Personal Trainer Search Screen

Rating Filter Modal Screen

Personal Trainer Search Screen

Personal Trainer Profile/Booking Screen

Date/Time Picker Screen

Session Confirmation Screen

Session Confirmed Screen

Updated Home Screen

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Remote & In-Person

User Testing

Testing to validate the usability of the app via several tasks. This was done by 10 people over 2 rounds of iterations.

Some of the questions that were asked were:

  • You want to begin the search process from the home screen. How would you do it?

  • You want to choose a personal trainer with a rating of 4.5 or better. How would you do it?

  • You have read through Louis’ info and want to book a session with him. How would you do it?

  • You have reviewed the session information and want to confirm it. How would you do it?

Matrix - Round 1

Feedback based on round 1 of testing:
  1. Make the icons smaller

  2. Find a better place for "search for a personal trainer"

  3. Put remove settings icon and merge in profile

  4. Functional "specialties" button

  5. Adjust home screen photo size and make smaller

  6. Remove "articles" from home screen

From sketch to final prototype - Home Screen

App Evolution

Video Prototype

Task Flow - "Book a Personal Trainer"

Video Prototype

Icon Design

Wordmark Icon

App Icon

I went with this wordmark icon and logo because I wanted to give the app less of a "juvenile" or "quirky" feel and instead, wanted icons that reflect refinement and giving it a "lux" feel without being inaccessible the way true lux products can be.

Marketing Websites

Apple Watch Mockup

Apple Watch Screens


Add more user task flows and make FITFUSION a fully-functional app

Iterate the Apple watch app and make it fully-functional

Perform more user testing, interviews, and get feedback for better iterations.


Give Users Autonomy

Simple Yet Robust

Transparency Builds Trust

Users want control. When it comes to personal training, a user of the app should be able to find exactly what they want instead of having to settle for what just happens to be near them locally or via word of mouth to perform the service that matters to them.

By giving filter options that matter to the user, it provides numerous options based on their constraints, needs, and desires.

What makes FITFUSION a trustworthy option is the transparency it provides the user when searching for a personal trainer. From cost to location to specialty as well as ratings and reviews, the user will feel more at ease with their action (or inaction) based on what they've found and read.

Personal training is a personal and vulnerable service to commit to. To put one's body in the hand of someone else, in addition to expecting results, can be a fearful and uncomfortable moment.

FITFUSION's impact on the industry will be multi-faceted. It will give users a wide variety of qualified trainers who can help them specific to their needs and, in turn, allow providers to build bigger, better, and more reputable businesses.

Contact Me transparents.png
Contact Me transparents.png

Matrix - Round 2

Feedback based on round 2 of testing:
  1. Remove "progress" and "workouts" from the home screen

  2. Place session info into one card

  3. Make home screen icons smaller

  4. Insert a break at the top so the logo and chips don't blend

  5. Make session confirmation a bit more friendly/exciting

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