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Time of Project

2 weeks




UX Designer, UI Designer, UX Researcher

Tools Used

Project Overview

The Patients First app was created to help the Québec government's issue with lack of a systematic approach to finding and booking appointments with mental health professionals. Currently, there is limited to no information transparency, and less-than-effective care-giving.



There are over 20,000 people on the mental health waiting list in Quebec and people feel the information is not concise, they are sent all over the place trying to get help, and there’s seemingly no absolute transparency in acquiring a doctor.

App Solution

With the Patients First app, available doctors in the Quebec healthcare system will be on the app with transparent schedules and specialties. Patients will be able to pick their doctor and choose a time that the doctor has available. This app will have all available information including RAMQ information and access to digital forms. Because it is Quebec, the app will be available in both French and English to comply with language laws.

How Bad Is The Mental Health System in Quebec?

There are over 20,000₁ people on the waitlist to see mental health professionals. Other options are not feasible or accessible long-term such as seeking out private care

People most impacted are women, young people, anglophones, essential workers, & health and social workers₃

1 in 5 Quebecers suffer from general anxiety disorder₂

I Wanted To Know...

What is the reason for +20,000 on the mental health waitlist?

What the experience was using the public system?

How I might come up with a solution to decrease these numbers so people can receive adequate help


Location: Quebec, Canada


Age: 18-29


Gender: Not Specified


Education: In or Completed College


Misc 1: Has sought or is actively seeking mental health treatment through the Québec Health System

What has your experience been seeking out mental health services in Quebec?

What’s the hardest part of seeking mental health help in Quebec?

In your opinion, how could mental health services in Quebec do better?

Sample Questions From Interviews

Interview Insights

Key Insights

Cost is an issue, especially in the semi-private and private sectors.

Wait times are too long and people can't put their mental health "on hold"

3rd party apps and other methods are helpful but not sustainable long term due to financial investment.

Common Themes


Lack of Accountability & Structure

Long Wait Times

How Might We...

How might we streamline how Québecers find and register for mental health care so that the overall experience is improved?

Emilie-Marie is a 26 year old software engineer from Montréal, Québec, Canada.

"I was telling them I need a psychological evaluation. Every single place I called told me, 'this is not the place you call, you need to call somewhere else...' Not trying to comfort me or see where my head was at or anything..."

Wanting to address mental health issues before they become too severe.
Pain Points
Difficulty scheduling appointments, suffering during long wait times, and difficulty finding adequate and transparent information about providers and availability.
She advocates for her mental health needs and navigates the system looking for help.




Consistency & Assurance because through research and interviewing then subsequently my chosen theme, it's the one that closely relates to it almost exactly. This will help people be 100% more organized and informed through the process.

My Chosen Epic

User Epics

Task Flow

Task Flow

Solution Sketches

Digitized Wireframes

HiFi Screens


Final Thoughts & Key Learnings

I learned a lot more about people's experiences with Quebec's healthcare system and more specifically - the mental health sector. With over 20,000 people on that list, there is a clear issue with the amount of people who need to see a doctor and how many doctors are available. It doesn't help that there is a shortage of doctors in Canada₄ but that's a conversation for another time. I think it could help greatly if people who have the education in other countries are able to practice here in Canada and help alleviate the lists. Not to mention, as diverse as Canada is, doctors from other countries will be able to connect with people of similar/same cultures which if you've ever done therapy before - finding someone who knows you and understands you is massive and can be a lifesaver. And if that isn't possible, perhaps create a Canada-wide database of mental health professionals that people can have access to instead of keeping it provincial - at the same or no cost and have it covered by RAMQ (and respective provincial healthcare). There are options that can be take and measures to eliminate the length of this list. At the very least, an app like this in Quebec for Quebecers could really bring transparent and valid information to the forefront.

Key Learning 1

Prioritize patients with suicidal ideations. If a person gets into that headspace, medical and therapeutic interventions can be the difference between life and death. People need support.

Key Learning 2

Display up-to-date, accurate, fully transparent information on the health website. Based on interviews and research, people still have a hard time getting necessary information that may help expedite the process of seeing a doctor.

Key Learning 3

An app with high-level encryption could be a smart way to connect patient to provider and have all up-to-date forms and records so everyone involved in the process is informed with critical and necessary information.

Key Learning 4

People deal with a lot of stresses and issues daily. That last thing they need is to have their stresses and issues exponentially increased trying to find help to alleviate those stresses and issues. Make the process simple for people and remove any bit of bureaucracy and red tape so that people can be taken care of promptly. Idealistic, I know.


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Contact Me transparents.png
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